A member of the brassica family, Brussels sprouts look like tiny cabbages.
They really are named after Brussels, the capital of Belgium, where they were a popular 16th century crop. The smallest Brussels sprouts are marble-sized morsels while larger varieties are as big as golf balls.
Super diet food choice
A little under one ounce of these vegetables provides 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein.
Weighing in at just 26 calories per cup, Brussels sprouts are a delicious and nutritious diet food choice.
One 80-gram serving of these healthy veggies delivers four times more vitamin C than an orange.

Brussels sprouts stay fresh in a plastic bag in the refrigerator vegetable drawer for as long as 10 days.
Once steam-cooked sprouts cool down, they can be bagged and stored in the freezer for up to a year.
One cup holds an average of five Brussels sprouts, and they steam up in just six to eight minutes.
Carving an X in the bottom of stems before steaming helps sprouts cook more evenly.

There are two main Brussels sprouts growing areas in New Zealand.
The first is Ohakune, in the Central North Island. It tends to produce smaller hybrid sprouts with compact heads – about 30-45 mm. Available between February to July
The second major growing area is Oamaru in North Otago in the South Island, which tends to produce slightly larger sprouts, 50-65 mm, with looser leaves. Available between May to October
North Otago Brussels sprouts (or NOBS) come to the market later in the season and have a sweeter flavour.
When you fork into a tender Brussels sprout, you have to admire its healthy qualities. Now that you know more about this wonderful veggie, we hope that each delicious bite tastes even better.
Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

Heat the oil in a large, heavy bottom skillet (a cast iron pan is a good choice), then add your Brussels sprouts. Cook undisturbed until caramelised.
Add spices and stir. Continue to cook and stir until the Brussels sprouts are deep dark golden brown.
Remove from the heat, and stir in the vinegar. Finish the sprouts off any way you like: a handful of Parmesan cheese, nuts, or herbs, or simply enjoy them just as the are. Serve hot and DIG IN!

Place a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. When hot, add the sausage and cook, breaking up with a wooden spoon 6 to 8 minutes, until browned. Transfer to a plate.
Add the oil to the skillet, brussels sprouts, shallots and garlic and cook on medium-high until golden on the edges, 4-5 minutes. Set aside with the sausage.
Add the parsnip noodles to the skillet over medium heat with the broth and red pepper flakes and cook until the noodles are al dente, about 5 minutes.
Return the sausage and brussels to the skillet, add the cheese and stir to combine.